Grievance Redressal Policy

  • The purpose of this Grievance Redressal Policy is to ensure that Mastercard Transaction Services (Canada) Inc. (“MTS Canada”) receives
    and addresses customer complaints timely and appropriately to meet regulatory requirements. MTS Canada is committed to upholding a
    culture focused on the customer and end-user/consumer experience.
  • Mastercard Transaction Services (Canada) Inc. (MTS Canada) provides services for inward international money transfers for cash pickup by recipients in India under authorization by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Department of Payment and Settlement Systems to act as a Payment System Operator and Overseas Principal (which can appoint Indian Agents or Principal Agents) (Certificate of Authorisation No. 150/2022) under the Money Transfer Service Scheme (MTSS) issued by RBI via circular reference RBI/FED/2016-17/52 FED Master Direction No.1/2016-17 (as updated from time to time) in India.

    MTS Canada’s business model is to provide cross border money transfer services to banks and other licensed financial institutions who are its customers, who use MTS Canada’ services to facilitate inward to recipients in India under the MTSS scheme by their customers, including end users/consumers who are the senders or recipients of funds.
  • This Policy applies to complaints pertaining to inbound money transfer services provided by MTS Canada under the MTSS.
  • The customer can record their grievances or provide their feedback in writing or verbally. The customer can approach register a complaint
    with MTS Canada through contacting our Customer Support team given hereunder and expect an acknowledgement within 2 hours of receipt.

    Level 1

    Customers can contact our Customer Support Officers through any of the following methods and we will resolve your complaint within ten (10) days. If you do not receive a resolution within 10 (ten) days or, if you are not satisfied with the response received, please check below for the next level of escalation.

    Email Address
    Telephone No. +18004251415
    9:00 AM to 12:30 AM IST, Monday to Sunday
    Mail Mastercard Money Transfer Services India Private Limited.
    Alapatt Properties Pvt Ltd
    S-30, 7th Floor Alapatt Heritage Building,
    MG Road, Kochi, Kerela 682035 India

    Level 2

    If you are not satisfied with the resolution you received from Level 1, or if you do not hear from us, please write to the person mentioned below. If you do not receive a response within twenty (20) days from the channels under Level 2, or, if you are not satisfied with the response received, you may refer below for the next level of escalation.

    Name Babitha Ravi
    Email Address
    Telephone No. +91-2068286268
    9:00 AM to 6:00 PM IST, Monday to Friday except India public holidays
    Office Address Mastercard Money Transfer Services India Private Limited.
    Alapatt Properties Pvt Ltd
    S-30, 7th Floor Alapatt Heritage Building,
    MG Road, Kochi, Kerela 682035 India

    Level 3

    If you are not satisfied with the resolution / interaction at Level 1 and/or Level 2; or if you do not hear from us within thirty (30) days, please write / escalate to our Principal Nodal Officer for Customer Grievance Redressal.

    Name Mr. C P Blassan
    Email Address
    Telephone No. +91-7391025322
    9:00 AM to 6:00 PM IST, Monday to Friday except India public holidays
    Office Address Mastercard Money Transfer Services India Private Limited.
    Alapatt Properties Pvt Ltd
    S-30, 7th Floor Alapatt Heritage Building,
    MG Road, Kochi, Kerela 682035 India

    If the grievance remains unresolved up to one month, the customer may approach the Ombudsman set by the RBI under the
    Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 (as amended from time to time).
In May 2022, Transfast, Inc., Canada’s legal entity name changed to Mastercard Transaction Services (Canada) Inc. Transfast was acquired by the Mastercard Group of Companies (“Mastercard”) in July 2019. The change to our name is a result of our integration into Mastercard’s cross-border payments business.